Monday, April 14, 2008

MonaVie for Pancreatic Cancer ?? WHY!!! Cancer loves Sugar!!

A guy sent me a link to a video of a guy on Oprah diagnosed with pancreatic cancer given months to live. Below is some information sent to him.

I have no heard of nor researched most of the things on the list, however 2 things stand out and bothered me. Xango (Mangoseen) Juice and MonaVie. How dare a MLM person send out an ignorant email for Randy Pausch to try a simple sugary berry antioxidant drink and if that would do any good at all! Scientific studies show that cancer thrives on sugar! Shame on those people for their ignorance and their greed to make money!

here is the oprah video on Randy.

Here is a list and email for Randy.

Below is what Randy has stated on his webpage:

Due to all the publicity, I have been overrun with emails, so I'm afraid I can't respond to all the ones I have received. . Thanks for your understanding.

Many people have sent me information on a number of topics, so no need to email me about anything on the list below, I already know about those. Thanks!

  • Xango (Mangoseen) Juice
  • The Gerson Clinic
  • Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
  • Burzynski Clinic
  • The Kelly Program
  • LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)
  • MonaVie
  • Alkaline (Ph) based approaches
  • Resveratrol
  • Flax seed oil and cottage cheese
  • Budwig diet

My email is professorrandypausch AT


maddie said...

It also is misleading for diabetics, as even too many natural sugars from fruits can wreak havoc.

There are no actual health studies on monavie, though there are studies on the efficacy of the acai berry and other anti-oxidents.

Where is the data on monavie? Be careful what you wish for.

Unknown said...

If fruit sugar is so bad when why do so many people claim to go on juice fasts when dealing with cancer? Maybe Watermelon isn't high in fructose but other fruits such as apples are used in these fasts also. I don't buy the argument that natural fructose is bad for diabetics. When studies show that cancer cells thrive on sugars they're talking about acidic sugars, not ones that come from highly alkaline fruits such as watermelons. Cancer cells cannot thrive on alkaline foods.